السياحة المصرية

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ايجار اتوبيس أوتوماتيك |+201121759535

ايجار اتوبيس أوتوماتيك

Saint Catherine Monastery: It is located on Mount Sinai and is considered the oldest Christian monastery in the world.

The monastery houses a huge library containing rare manuscripts and is considered an importantايجار اتوبيس أوتوماتيك spiritual destination for visitors

The Hanging Church in Aswan:

Also known as the Antique Coptic Church, ايجار اتوبيس سياحي an ancient Coptic church built in the sixth century AD.

The church is perched on a rock on the banks of the Nile River and offers a stunning view

Coptic Monasteries in Wadi El-Natroun: Wadi El-Natroun in Egypt is home to many Coptic monasteries, such as Deir el-Saryan, Deir El-Baramous, Derayak, and Drunka. These monasteries offer a distinctive spiritual experience and contain ancient Coptic ايجار اتوبيس أوتوماتيك artistic masterpieces

Monastery of Anba Bishoy in Wadi Al-Naqra: It is located in the Bahariya Oasis region in Egypt and is considered one of the most important Coptic monasteries in the region. It is distinguished by its beautiful architecture and distinctive religious works of art

Saint Priveros Church in Old Cairo: It is considered one of the oldest Coptic churches in Cairo. The church is famous for its magnificent architectural design and beautiful religious iconography

Museum of Coptic Antiquities in Cairo: The museum displays a large collection of Coptic antiquities, including icons, manuscripts, jewelry, and other artifacts. Provides a deep understanding of Egypt’s Coptic heritage

The most famous Coptic shrines in Egypt

St. Mark’s Cathedral in Abbasiya, Cairo, Egypt, is the largest church in the country. Also known as St.Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, it ايجار اتوبيس أوتوماتيك is the main church of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt

The church was built from 2005 to 2018, and was officially inaugurated in April 2018 in the presence of Pope Tawadros II,

Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Mark. The church was designed by the famous Coptic architect Osama Azmi

St. Mark’s Basilica extends over a total area of about 88,200 square metres, and can seat more than 8,000 people. The church is distinguished by its magnificent and impressive architectural design, combining traditional and modern elements. The main building consists of three floors and includes many spacious basements, corridors and halls

Inside the cathedral are many holy sites and religious facilities, including the shrine containing the tomb of Saint Mark,

which is believed to have been built over the burial site of the saint himself.

The church also contains a number of sub-churches, small halls, and administrative offices

St. Mark’s Cathedral is one of the most important religious and tourist attractions in Egypt,

as thousands of visitors come annually to pray and visit the holy shrines in the church.

ايجار اتوبيس سياحيThe church reflects the history and culture of the Coptic Orthodox Church and is a symbol of Christianity in Egypt

In this way, St. Mark’s Cathedral in Abbasiya stands out as the largest church in Egypt,

attracting visitors from all over the country and around the world with its stunning design and religious and cultural importance

?What did the new administrative capital create

The New Administrative Capital is considered one of the most prominent mega projects in Egypt,

and it aims to provide a modern and advanced urban environment to be the new administrative capital of the country. The Administrative Capital is located in the Greater Cairo region, about 45 kilometers northeast of Old Cairo

project was announced in 2015 and aims to improve infrastructure and provide a modern work environment for government institutions and economic sectors.

The Administrative Capital is distinguished by its sustainable and innovative design, as it aims to provide spacious green spaces and modern technologies for energy, transportation, and communications

Among the most important features of the New Administrative Capital

Advanced urban planning: The Administrative Capital was designed based on advanced urban plans that aim to provide a sustainable and balanced environment, ايجار اتوبيس سياحيwhile providing wide green spaces,

entertainment areas,

and residential gatherings

Advanced infrastructure: Large investments have been allocated to develop the infrastructure in the Administrative Capital, including roads, public facilities, transportation, water

and sanitation, which contributes to providing an integrated and comfortable urban environment for residents and workers in the


?Why was the new administrative capital established

Free and investment zones: The Administrative Capital includes free zones and investment zones aimed at attracting investments

and encouraging companies and institutions to move to the capital. These areas include many facilities and services that contribute to facilitating commercial and economic business

Government and Administrative Facilities: The Administrative Capital is home to many government and administrative facilities

, including the Presidential Palace, government buildings, ministries, and other government institutions. This aims to provide a suitable environment for conducting government business and facilitating administrative transactions

Recreational and cultural places: The New Administrative Capital includes many entertainment and cultural areas, including parks, gardens, theaters, and exhibitions.ايجار اتوبيس أوتوماتيك Many cultural, artistic and